Buckle up, we're taking off!

Up to 5%
Every Day*

* Up to 500% profit on your deposit

How it works?

Everything complicated in simple language

If we describe all the processes performed by our platform, it will take a whole volume of documentation and it will be very boring. We will try to explain it to you in three sentences.


Stackle investment assistant terminal

Stackle analyzes a huge array of data from the current cryptocurrency market and selects the most highly profitable and liquid instruments

Analysis and decision making

Neural networks (Enigma, Overmind, Watchdog)


dex exchanges and high-yield staking pools

The system evaluates the Risk/reward of the instruments selected by the neural network and opens transactions on various DEX exchanges and staking pools

exit the deal and take profit

Classifier algorithm Polynomial - SVC


investor profit

After reaching the required level of P/L, orders are closed and profits are distributed among platform clients and Stackle receives its commission

your crypto never sleeps

The profit reactor is running 24/7

Artificial intelligence does not need rest, so your cryptocurrency works around the clock! And brings stable and high income for you every day.

$ 1,000,000+

already invested in the Stackle platform

what you waiting for?

Launch your own crypto reactor

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